Created by Clay Moseley, on 09/05/2023
Here goes a sappy, under-caffeinated crack at a quasi-mission statement post:

Launching at the FF Expo in Canton, OH was an amazing experience. I was able to meet influencers in the industry, Podcasters and writers whose content I devour, creators of tools that I subscribe to and rely on, and cool people and entrepreneurs that weren’t behind a booth. 

The inspiration for Dynasty Pandemic came from the conversations and engagement that I experience daily in various Patreon groups. There is a lot of work to be done on my part to drive and earn engagement, but I personally will consider Dynasty Pandemic to be successful if, at the end of the day, I have built a community that: 

  1. Helps our existing influencers grow: - Start by looking at your Podcast feed. Do you listen to shows that you smash the play button on when you get the notification, but you haven’t taken a few minutes to write them a 5-star review, subscribe to their YouTube channel, or become a Patreon? There are nerdy algorithms that make this important, but it’s also probably a really nice thing for the humans behind these mics to read… I’m guilty too. I have several podcasts I love that I haven’t written reviews for as I write this. I gotta keep myself accountable if I’m preaching community and hugs.
  2. Provides a platform for early-stage, aspiring content creators: - There are wayyyyy too many sharp people and fantasy players in this industry that publish valuable content that aren’t being heard, and there are a lot of entrepreneurial-minded people who are trying to innovate in this industry. If down the road this website isn’t prominently displaying members of this community of all shapes and sizes, call me out and I’ll fix it. *Please DM me @DynastyPandemic or email me at if you want to put yourself out there and be promoted.* 
  3. Helps us win more championships and tournaments! - There are a lot of ridiculously sharp players, and I want the Chatter on the site and on the Dynasty Pandemic app to be a conversation and resource that will make us better. Whether it’s dynasty, best ball, or redraft, let’s help each other out and win some ships…. 

There are more aspects to this quasi mission, and those 3 were in no particular order, but for me to be proud of this platform I’m going to need your help. If you think this “vision” for Dynasty Pandemic sounds cool and you’d like to get involved, please DM me or email me if I don’t reach out to you first. Thanks everyone. - Clay

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